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Laser Mirrors
Laser Mirrors
Product Details:

Laser Mirrors are the high reflection coatings designed for the use of laser reflection. They are designed for either single line, multi line or broadband type sources. The hard, durable dielectric multilayer coating ensures the high reflection, durability and damage threshold. Laser mirror coatings are useful as cavity mirrors as well as beam steering optics. Physical Specifications Laser lines 354.7 nm, 532 nm, 632.8 nm, 1064 nm, 532 1064 nm adhesion and durability As per MIL-C-675C clear apertures > 90 % of the specified aperture angle of incidence 0 / 45 degree coating performance Rmean> 99.9 in - range coating type Ion assisted multi layer dielectric coating technology Electric beam deposition Broadband 500-600 nm, 500-650 nm etc. damage threshold 5 J/ cm2 with 10 ns pulse @ 1064 nm Mechanical Specifications Substrate material BK7 Laser cutting machines Diamond laser cutting Physiotheropy instruments Beam stealing mirrors Cavity

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Laser Mirrors

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment