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Vertical Laminar Air Flow Bench

Vertical Laminar Air Flow Bench

MaterialExterior PCRC Powder coated interior stainless steel 304
Surface FinishPowder Coated
ColorWhite & Blue
Noise Level65dBA

BIONIM Vertical Laminar Flow workstations are designed toprotect the product within the work area from airborneparticulates in the ambient air. The regulated efflux of custommadelaminar airflow supplies the work zone with ISO Class 5air cleanliness to offer the best product production by a cleanbench in the industry. The Vertical Laminar Flow workstationspush the air through a HEPA filter and direct the filtered airVertically over the work surface at a constant speed, toward theoperator. Our versatile unit is useful for various works thatrequire maintenance of the cleanness and purity like plant tissueculture, examination and experimentation of precision electronicparts, medical science, entomology, pharmacy, agriculturesector, seed science, and veterinary science.

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Vertical Laminar Air Flow Bench

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