Laboratory Glassware
Laboratory bottles, beakers, desiccators, petri dishes, watch glass dishes, evaporating dishes, crystallizing dishes, erlenmeyer/round bottom/flat bottom flasks, filter funnels, coplin staining jars, glass stoppers, test tubes, culture tubes, digestion tubes
Interchangeable joints, adapters, receivers adapters, miscellaneous fittings, stirrers, condensers without joints, flasks, functionating columns, separating/dropping funnels.
pipettes, automatic micro pipettes, measuring cylinders,measuring/volumetric flasks
amber burettes with teflon key stopcock, amber burettes with glass key stopcock, amber colour reagent bottles (in borosilicate glass)
extraction apparatus, kjeldahl distillation assembly, micro-kjeldahl distillation apparatus, absorption traps, markham distillation unit, tilt measures, chromatography apparatus, arsenic & water determination apparatus, filtration assemblies
single, double & triple distillation assemblies with maximum output two litres per hour.
rotary vacuum evaporator, standard & digital in three different advanced mechanism - diagonal, vertical & cold trap.
ptfe /teflon articles
high vacuum stopcocks, rotaflow screw type ptfe (teflon) key stopcock, ptfe (teflon) key stopcock, orsat apparatus with ptfe (teflon) key stopcocks.