Lab Equipments
Mmicroscopes & projectors advance research microscope, stereo zoom microscopes, co-axial research microscopes, stereo microscopes, inverted tissue culture imaging system (cctv), projection microscopes, spectrometer, slide projectors, over head projectors, projection screen, slides and transparencies .
Dissecting equipments scissors, forceps, needles, scalpel, b. P. Handle with blade, razor, watch glass, magnifying glass, glass slide, chain & hook, cover slips, blow pipe, needle plastic handle, dropper glass & brushes
media culture agar, cultural media bases, dehydrated culture media supplements, bectrological discs.
wooden wares laminar air flow, clean air system, biosafety cabinet, fumigation chamber, inoculation chamber, chromotography chamber, tissue wax block boxes, microslide box & cabinet, entomology sectional equip. ,entomological pin, insect showcase, insect display showcase, insect light trap, insect collection net, plankton net, chrysopa rearing cage, corycyra rearing cage, herebarium press, magnetic board, aerial insect trap, all type of insect cages
models & charts forensic science models, anatomy models, community medicine models, pathology models, skeletons /bones, physiology, biochemistry, homeopathy, pharmacology, forensic science, anatomy dentistry, parasitology,
misc microtomes, slides, coverslips, haemometer, haemocytometer, prepared slides and display specimens, charts, models and showcases, plant physiology apparatus, botany and soil testing, incubators, ovens, petri dish, stirrers etc.