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Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope
Used for examination of live tissue culture, Plankton, Living protozoa etc. in Petridish, culture bottle etc.
Fitted with Binocular Head assembled from coated prisms.
Quadruple revolving Nose piece , Coarse & Fine graduated slow motion.
Large stage with extension plates for large bottles & microfilter work.
Provided with two stage clips and a removable central insert.
Koehler's system illumination by a 6V-20W halogen bulb controlled by a built-in base variable intensity solid state transformer.
Optical Combination :-
Objectives : Achromatic 5x,10x, LWD 20x & LWD 40x
Eye Pieces : WF 10x (Paired)
Supplied in a sturdy plywood box with all standard accessories.
Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope
Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope