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Internal Heater Compressed Air Dryer

Internal Heater Compressed Air Dryer

This dryer provides an efficient, economical and easy to maintain method of drying compressed air and gases. The drying medium (Silica gel or Activated Alumina) is contained in two carbon steel pressure vessels.

While chamber I is drying, air is passed over an electrical heater embedded in chamber II and carries out the desorbed moisture of this chamber.

This type of system utilizes about 2-3% of the gas as a purge. It is an ideal system for gases requiring ultra low drying like dew points upto (-80°C). Each column remains in line for about 6 hours. For regeneration, the desiccant is heated for about 3 hours and then cooled for another 3 hours before changeover. The operation is fully automatic.

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Internal Heater Compressed Air Dryer

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