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Humidity Oven
ALPHA CHEM- 953 Hummidity Oven
- Humidity Oven/Humidity System for Oven can be provided with humidity Arrangement. Humidity is created by condensation
- Of steam generated by heaters dipped in water.
- Humidity is controlled by imported humidistat
- From ambient to 95% ± 3% RH.
Common Chamber sizes in mms. No. of trays
300 x 300 x 300 2
355 x 355 x 355 2
455 x 455 x 455 2
455 x 605 x 455 3
605 x 605 x 605 3
910 x 605 x 455 3
910 x 605 x 605 3
- Digital temp. Indicator-cum-controller.
- Digital temp. Indicator-cum-controller with computer data logger.