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Hot Mirror
Hot Mirror
Product Details:

Hot mirror coating that is deposited on the glass acts as a dichroic coating which transmits visible and reflects NIR. Hot mirror coating that is deposited on the glass acts as a dichroic coating which transmits visible and reflects NIR. Hot mirror by name reflects the heat radiation (IR) while transmitting the cool light (Visible) is designed for use in systems that have an extended range heat sources like halogen lamp. Their performance is equivalent to heat absorbing filters. But reflects the light energy back on to the source instead of absorbing the heat radiation.
This coating when applied on the halogen lamp surface, reflects the heat energy back on to the filament and helps in increasing the temperature of the filament. As a result, filament temperature rises and it draws less current than those without coating to generate the same output. Hence, lamp efficiency will increase and power consumption will reduce.
Mechanical Specifications:
Substrate material : BK7, B270 etc.
Physical Specifications:
coating technology : Ion assisted electric beam deposition
coating type : Multi layer dielectric
wavelength range :400 -1400 nm
clear apertures : > 85 % of the specified aperture
adhesion and durability : As per MIL-C-675C
Color neutral and efficient heat/light separation (Lighting filter)
IR-Filters or CCD-Filters for camera chips
Sensor- and measurement applications
Heat reflection filter
Infared laser diode mirror
Eye tracking applications
Projector light sources
Desk Top Projection Systems
Entertainment Lighting
Medical and Dental Light Engines
Halogen infrared reflection coating on lamps.

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Hot Mirror

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment