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Grephene Model
Grephene Model
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Grephene Model
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A single layer of carbon atoms arranged in such a honeycomb structure forms a single graphene sheet.
In graphene, each carbon atom is covalently bonded to three other carbon atoms. graphene boasts great stability and a very high tensile strength (the force in which you can stretch something before it breaks). Since graphene is flat, every atom is on the surface and is accessible from both sides, so there is more interaction with surrounding molecules. Also, the carbon atoms are bonded to only three other atoms, although they have the capability to bond to a fourth atom. This capability,high surface area to volume ratio of graphene may make it appealing for use in composite materials. Graphene also enjoys electron mobility that is higher than any known material .
Black color represent carbon atom and white represents bonds In between carbon a

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Grephene Model

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment