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Gas Charging Unit
Product Details:
Vacuum Techniques Refrigerator Gas Charging Unit Model No.GC-134 is a modular unit, compact, light weight in design. It is flexible for mobility with castered wheel. The unit is built with compact, direct drive rotary pump. The weight of the unit is 35kgs.
Operating Principle : The unit basically consists of rotary vacuum pump which is used to create low pressure. At low pressure the water in the pipelines vaporizes and is pumped out by the pump. This eliminates the need of heating of the whole system where some of the components are inaccessible. When the complete water is removed, the refrigerator can be charged with gas without exposing to atmosphere. Specifications : The gas charging unit consists of Direct drive rotary pump Gas charging cylinder for R134A/R-12(2kg capacity with out gas) Charging manifold. Pirani gauge. ¼" drier , ¼" ball valve & ½" Ball valve. Foreline trap / Moisture trap.
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