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Friability Test Apparatus
Friability Test Apparatus
Product Details:
Used to determine the durability and abrasiveness of tablets. A transparent perpex drum (made of imported perspex sheet 6.4 mm thick) 300mm dia x 35mm deep and white cover disc and nut, also a shaped radial fixed blade which carries the tablets along with it up to the central height and lets them off while the drum is rotating. Thus the tablets rub against each other without any hard impact. The drum rotates at a fixed speed of 30 RPM by a geared motor and the rotation period is controlled by a timer (imported time switch duration 1 to 15 minutes) per determined end preset. The motor unit is housed in a shaped steel cabinet with shaft extended on one side upon which the drum rotates. Switches with neon indicators and time switch are fitted on a panel and provided work on 220 volts 50C/s AC . Digital models also available.

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Friability Test Apparatus

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment