Fermentation Control System
Dedicated systems specifically for the purpose of fermentation control application form an integral part of the BI product line.
pH & DO being the most widely measured analytical parameters in the fermentation process industry, special focus has been paid to analyzing these parameters. In fact as a service to this industry BI along with a leading industrial fermentation expert has written an article “Measurement and control of Fermentors” that has been published in the Chemical Industry Digest (Issue: Sept-Oct 2001) giving details of the above.
Other measurement and control capabilities include RPM, Antifoam, Airflow and Back pressure. In addition our systems are built on a batch concept. This enables the user to statistically analyze selective parameters from batch to batch.
Few of the fermentation based processes where our systems have been used are Vitamin B12, Enzymes, Recombinant vaccines, Yeast, Recombinant proteins, Rifampicin