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Endurance Test for Mixer Grinder
For Endurance Test for Mixer Grinder, food-mixer shall be operated for 500 cycles with ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ times as marked by the manufacture in case of food-mixers intended for intermittent operation. In case of short time rated food mixers, the appliance shall be operated for 500 cycles, the ‘On” time shall be as marked on the name plate and the ‘Off’ time shall be the time required to return back to approximately ambient temperature. Food Mixers which can be operated at different speeds shall be operated ambient temperature. Appliances other than those for short time operation are started under normal load, 50 times at a voltage equal to 1.1 times the rated voltage and 50 times at a voltage 0.85 times the rated voltage, the duration of each period of supply being at least equal to ten times the time necessary from start to full speed, but not less than 10 seconds. Appliances provided with a centrifugal or other automatic starting switch are started 10000 times under normal load and at a voltage equal to 0.9 times the rated voltage, the operating cycles being that specified.
Endurance Test for Mixer Grinder
Endurance Test for Mixer Grinder