Model : SM-901
Product Details :
The power full capability of higher differential voltage measurement capability , makes Power Scope SM901 , a tool one can be at ease when analyzing test signals in power line applications, power electronics, DC motor control, induction furnace etc. The SM901 is two-in-one , normal & differential oscilloscope. It can display differential voltages up to 1000V , as well as works like normal oscilloscope from 2mV/cm to 20V/cm , with a bandwidth of 30 MHz , triggering well above 50 MHz signals. Equipped with digital frequency counter upto 40 MHz gives added advantage of quick measurement of test signal frequency.
Ergonomically designed front panel, gives friendly access to all the controls. The product designed and manufactured with highest degree of control over components , process and testing. Undoubtfully, these features scores over the published specifications, gives long lasting performance over years.
" This product is also available with NABL accredited Lab certification traceable to National Standards at optional cost."
Features :
- Two-in-one operation normal and differential mode
- Differential inputs 1500V max.
- Dual Channel DC to 30 MHz, 2 mV
- Timebase 20ns-0.2s ; variable hold off 10:1, x10 magnification
- Triggering DC-50 MHz
- Component Tester , 2 level calibrator
- Over scan Indicator
- Digital Frequency Readout