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Model : SM-5071
product Details :
- The various signals available from the SM5071 Function Generator make it a versatile signal source useful for most measurement and test applications. Special features are the high signal purity and constant amplitude flatness throughout the entire frequency range. This makes the instrument ideal for a broad range of test bench use including precise audio measurement.
- It generates 3 basic wave forms: sine, square and triangle. The output frequency can be swept internally and externally over a 100:1 ratio.
- This is especially convenient for examining transmission curves of a circuit under test using an oscilloscope as an indicator. The square wave output has a fast rise and fall time of <70ns.
- All outputs are non-destructively protected against short-circuits . This is a very useful feature for educational applications.
- Frequencies are read out on a 5 digit LED display, making accurate frequency setting easy with a maximum resolution of 1mHz in 3Hz range.
- A TTL-compatible trigger signal is provided to facilitate stable oscilloscope display of all generated waveforms.
Features :
- Frequency Range 0.3Hz to 3MHz
- 15MHz Frequency Counter
- Digital Frequency Readout (5 digit)
- Waveforms: Sine, Square, Triangle, DC-Offset Adjustment
- TTL Trigger Output
- Internal Sweep & External FM-Modulation
- Square Wave Risetime < 70ns
- Distortion Factor < 0.5% (upto 100kHz)