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Sound Level Meter
Product Details:
- The HD2110L is a precision integrating portable sound level meter, with multiparametric data logging capability, providing both spectral and statistical analysis. The instrument has been designed in order to offer high-performance analysis of acoustic phenomena, with particular regard to legislation on environmental noise. Attention has been paid to the possibility to update the instrument in order to comply with the technical standards evolution.
- The HD2110L can be integrated with additional options to extend its application range when required; the fi rmware can be updated directly by the user by means of the Noise Studio program provided with the instrument.
Applications: - Noise monitoring with sound event capture and analysis function
- Environmental noise measurement, Assessement of noise tones even if they are at a frequency located between two standard third octave band filter.
- Assessment of audibility of spectral components through real time comparison with equal loudness curve.
Functionality description
Possibility to log time profiles of 6 simultaneous parameters freely selecting time or frequency weightings.
Possibility to store the multi-parameter sound level analysis for more than 46 hours.
Different time recordings can be recalled from internal memory and displayed and replyed by using reply function. intervals of 1s to 1h, report sequences with dedicated parameters, average spectra and full statistical analysis.
A versatile trigger function allows to identify sound events and store results with 5 dedicated parameters, average spectra and statistical analysis.