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Drum Mover
Drum Mover
Product Details:

AUTOMED Drum Movers allow for the lifting and transportation of heavy fiber, plastic, or stainless-steel drums anywhere within a manufacturing facility. There are various attachments (shown below) that can be easily interchanged.
Common Specifications [customized per application]
v    Load Capacity Up to 600Kgs
v    The material of Construction 304 stainless steel
v    Surface Finish Product Contact Area: 25 µin [0.64 µm] Ra with the ground and polished welds
v     Non-Product Contact Area: 35 µin [0.89 µm] Ra with smooth welds as laid
v    Utility 24 V DC Battery (includes 120 V AC, 15 A charger)
v    Pneumatic Utility Option Available
Controls momentary push-button controls mounted to the machine
v    Hazardous Rating configurable for use in Hazardous Locations: Class I Divisions 1 and 2 [ATEX Zones 1 and 2] or Class II Divisions 1 and 2 [ATEX Zones 21 and 22]

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Drum Mover

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment