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Digital Humidity

Digital Humidity

Sensor : 2 x PT-100

Temperature Control Range : 0-65°C

Humidity Control Range : 0-100%
Least Count : 1% for RH & 0.1°C for Temperature
Accuracy : 2% for RH & 0.2 °C for Temperature
Display : Direct from Micro Processor Self Internal Lookup Tables
Controls : By 10-Turn Hellical Potentiometer.
Control Output:
¤ Temperature : 2 Relays are provided. One operating 0.5°C above the Set Point for Cooling and the other Operating 0.5°C below the Set Point for Heating.
¤ Humidity : 2 Relays are provided. One operating 1% RH below the Set Point for Humidification and the other Operating 1% above the Set Point for De- Humidification
Power Supply : 230V AC ± 15%
Features : ¤ Software provided to log and plot temperature & humidity with respect to real time clock.
¤ This equipment can provide hardware control from its Relays and Software Logging on the PC.

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Digital Humidity

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