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Digital Dry Bath
Product Details:
- Auto Tuned PID Temperature Controller-cum-Digital Display with Pt-100 Sensor.
- Temperature range: Ambient+5°C to 110°C controlled to plus/minus 0.2°C (or better)
- Dual Digital Display
- Supplied with 3 Nos. interchangeable Aluminum blocks of 75 x 50 x 50 mm for accommodating 0.5 ml, 1.5 ml. centrifuge Tubes,12 mm,16 mm or 19 mm Test Tubes OR Single Block of 150x75x50 mm for accommodating 50 tubes of 10 mm. Dia. for LAL TEST
- M.S. powder coated exterior
Other Blocks Available
- 150 x 100 x 50 mm for 60 holes of 10 mm Dia.
- 150 x 75 x 50mm with 100 holes of 10mm Dia.
- Customized Blocks as per user requirement.