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Diamond Cutting Laser Mirror
Diamond Cutting Laser Mirror
Product Details:

Diamond is the hardest material that is available on the earth. Many tools that are used to cut different materials are impregnated with diamond particles. In jewellary, diamond is the best known material for its brilliance. Naturally available diamond is unfinished and looks like a rough stone. Diamond cutting is an art, skill and science of converting the rough stone to a 'gem'. Diamond's quality and price vary greatly depending on the 'cut' quality. Special diamond-bladed tools were used to cut the diamonds, because of the non-availability of the hard-pointed tools. But, after the advent of lasers especially the Nd: YAG (1064 nm), all the conventional tools were replaced with a high power lasers which provided high quality output and yield.HHV has developed and supplying a set of HR (Rear mirror), OC (front mirror), bent mirror (Bender), AR coated protection window, and polarizer set required in the diamond cutting laser machine.


Precise design
Fine finish
Strong construction

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Diamond Cutting Laser Mirror

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment