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Dew Point Testing Apparatus

Dew Point Testing Apparatus

Mellcon dew Point Apparatus is the most economical, simple, errorless system for the spot checking of Dew Point temperature of any compressed Air / Gases. This consists of a closed cylindrical glass with two chrome Plated tubes, a low range thermometer (-50+40 Deg.C) and a dry Ice Maker.

Air / Gas enters to cylindrical glass through one chrome Plated tube and Exhausts. The other chrome plated tube is centrally placed in the cylindrical glass and thermometer is placed in it. Make dry ice (Solid C02 ) with the help of dry ice maker & a CO2 Gas cylinder. Pour some ether / acetone in the chrome plated tube having thermometer, And slowly put dry ice pieces into this liquid to reduce the wall temperature of the chrome plated tube. At a particular temperature the dew / frost will start forming on the walls of the tube and the same temperature can be noted from the thermometer. This is the dew Point temperature of that particular Air / Gas.

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Dew Point Testing Apparatus

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