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Demonstration Transformer

Demonstration Transformer

This apparatus has been designed primarily for demonstration of the basic principles of the a.c. transformer. The various coils and cores will also serve as the basis of many experiments in electromagnetism, using either direct or alternating current.


•    1 laminated ‘U’ core, length of side 95 mm, base 150 x 40 x 40 mm

•    1 each of clamp base, yoke, clamping bar and securing knobs (pair) for U-core

•    1 x 300-turn 4A coil

•    2 x 600-turn 2A coils

•    1 x 1200-turn 1A coil

•    1 x 3600-turn 0.3A coil, centre tapped

•    1 x 12000-turn 0.05A coil

In the basic transformer set all coils are fitted with 4mm socket connections. All coils are of enamelled copper wire wound round on high impact plastic moulded bobbins 75mm long with cheeks 75 x 60mm. The robust clamping base is provided with a tommy-bar screw to hold the ‘U’ core, and two knurled nuts secure the armature and provide for easy changeover of the coils. Soft iron pieces locate on top of the ‘U’ core arms.

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Demonstration Transformer

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