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Product Details:
High STD .Glass Filters: 5
Mini Volume: 1ml
Display : 2 ½  digit LED
Range: 400 to 700 nm
Output: OD: 0to 1.99
Resolution:  OD : 0.01
Accuracy: 0.5% FS±1 digit
Detector : Photo Cell / Diode
Light source (Tungsten Lamp)   6.8V, 250mA
Power: 230V±10% AC, 50Hz
Dimensions: 275X245X180mm
Weight : 4Kgs. (Approx.)
Filters  8 filters –400 420 480 500 520 540 620 680 nm
5 filters –420 480 540 620 680 nm
Accessories: Test Tube Set of 5, Spare Light Source, Dust Cover, Instruction Manual.

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment