The DIELECTRIC HIGH VOLTAGE TEST is an integral part of the product safety evaluation of electrical and electronic devices, and provides manufacturers with important information regarding the quality and appropriateness of the chosen insulation system. This test is a property of interest for many fields where electric field is present.This test involves placing an high voltage across the insulation barrier of the device as per Indian and International Standards. If the insulation holds the voltage, the device is deemed to have passed the test. However, if the applied voltage allows current to flow through the insulated device after its breakdown , then insulation is determined to be insufficient since it might pose a shock hazard to users. Since Its related to the shock hazard to the end users that’s why it is a very important test.
• With safety high voltage probs.
• Rating as per requirements.
• With audio visual alarm system.
• With necessary voltmeter and tripping current meter.
• Rugged and Highly durable equipment