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Junction Diode: A P.N. Junction diode on Board with diagram engraved on front panel.
P. N. Junction Diode / Semi Conductor Diode Characteristic Apparatus : The unit consists of Two Meters for measurement of volts and current of Diode in forward as well as in reverse direction. A complete demonstrative unit with dual power supplies. Terminals of meters and power supplies output are provided on the front panel to make the connections externally with the help of connecting wires. Complete in all respects.
Same as above but with Two Digital Meters.
Same as Cat.No.102 but with FOUR ROUND METERS.
P.N.Junction Diode in Forward Bias/Zener Diode in Reverse Bias: The unit consists of four meters for measurement of volt and current. A complete demonstrative unit with dual power supplies. Terminals of meters and power supplies output are provided on the front panel to make the connections externally with the help of connecting wires. Complete in all respects.
Same as above but with Two Digital Meters.
Transistor On Board: A transistor mounted on board with schematic diagramme engraved on Front Panel.
Transistor Characteristic apparatus: This is a complete unit comprising of two independent power supplies for base-emitter and collector-emitter junctions. Four Meters are provided along with a transistor on the front panel. Input and output characteristic experiments can be performed by making suitable connections of power supplies, meters and transistor. Rugged construction compact unit with self explanatory users manual.
Same as Cat.No.109 but with Characteristics in Common Emitter/Common Base Mode of NPN Transistor. (Extra Large Size)
Same as Cat.No.109 but with Four Digital Meters:
Characteristics of a NPN & PNP Transistors in Common Emitter mode with four meters & Power supplies
Zener Diode On Board : A Zener diode mounted on board.
Zener Diode Characteristic Apparatus : The unit consists of dual power supplies. Two meters are provided for taking the reading in forward as well as in reverse Direction of Zener Diode. A complete demonstrative unit with schematic diagram.
Same as above but with Two Digital Meters.
Field Effect Transistor Characteristic Apparatus (F.E.T.) : The apparatus is designed to draw the characteristic of a F.E.T. Complete with power supply of its own. It is provided with THREE METERS to read different parameters.
Same as above but with THREE DigitalMeter.
MOSFET CHARACTERISTICS APPARATUS : The apparatus is designed to draw the characteristics of Mosfet. It is provided with three meters and two built in power supplies and patch cords.
UJT Characteristic Apparatus : It is provided with Two Power Supplies and Three Meters to draw input/output characteristics of the UJT.
Silicon Controlled Rectifier Characteristic Apparatus : It is provided with three meters to readAnode current. Anode cathode voltage and gate/cathode current. Complete with two Built-in power supplies.
Characteristic of Diac: The instrument is provided with variable IC regulated power supply.Two meters are provided to read voltage and current. Switch is provided to select different ranges