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Critical Oxygen Index Apparatus
- To determine the minimum percentage of Oxygen required to just support flamming combustion of a material at Room Temp. in FTA mode or at a Higher Temp. (up to 400`C) in HFTA mode.
- Direct readout of Oxygen percentage on an analyzer using paramagnetic oxygen sensor at high accuracy of 0.1% resolution.
- Double wall Test Column of Flame resistant glass of 75mm dia., suitable for testing different size samples in Flammability Test Apparatus or Heated Flammability Test A pparatus mode.
- Conforms to ASTM D-2863, Draft IS:ETDC 59 (2240/58), BS:2782 Part-141, ISO: 4589 and many other International Standards.
Test applicable for wide range of materials such as Polymers, Cables, Textiles, Plastics, Rubber, Nylon, Laminates, Paints & Surface Coatings etc., used in Ships, Trains, Aircrafts & Road Electronics, Computers & Tele-communications.