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Concrete Permeability Apparatus
Concrete Permeability Apparatus
Product Details:
Mild Steel
As per Requirement
Country of Origin
Made in India
Sample Size
150 x 150 mm
The concrete permeability apparatus comprises of a brass/ gunmetal cell of squares cross section mounted on a stand and a pressure chamber is connected to the cell through copper tubing and T-connector mounted on the stand with sleeve packed valve and rubber hose pipe with end connections. The cell assembly consists of one base plate, one metal funnel and one top plate, and a pressure tube is supplied to develop pressure in the chamber. The apparatus is supplied with a measuring cylinder 500 cc to measure percolated quantity of water. Pressure can also be applied by a pressure air line or by a compressor. Available for sample of size 150 mm dia X 150 mm high.

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Concrete Permeability Apparatus

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