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Communication Lab System
Communication Lab System
Product Details:
Communication Lab System is a concept to provide a unique environment to students. In Communication Lab System any student can speak / share his views freely with his friends. This unique environment is made for learning english or any other language. Today students also wants to speak in english but the HESITATION of his friends laughing etc becomes big stone in front of them.Communication Lab System provides a unique scenario like any student can speak but nobody knows who is speaking. This will remove hesitation among the students.
Advantages of Communication Lab:
Student can do group discussion without disturbing other classes.
Teacher can record student's voice.

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Communication Lab System

  • ₹0

Seller information

  • Scientico Medico Engineering Ins

  • Scientico Medico Engineering Instruments
  • Ambala, India
  • Business Type :Manufacturer, Supplier
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Tags: Laboratory Equipment