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Cold Trap

Cold Trap

 This product is designed to be appropriate for the purpose of
 the product with the technology registered to the international
 patent (Korea, the United State, Germany, China).
 The cooling system with compact design and strong cooling
 power secures reliability and stability satisfying the users.
 According to use, it is classified into for moisture capture and
 for organic solvent capture. Also, trap chamber is categorized
 into three models such as the model in which borosilicate is
 put in the corrosion resistant stainless cooling container, and
 the model in which the cooling coil is installed in the vacuum
 chamber, and the model which is coated with Teflon to
 prevent the cold trap chamber from corrosive gas.
 It is produced as standardized products from 1.8L for
 the laboratory to 50L for the industry. According to
 capture type like moisture, methanol, ethanol, solvent,
 acid or organic solvent etc, the user has various options
 with different freezing point (from -40°C to -120°C)
 For the laboratory, it is installed in the front of the
 vacuum pump to capture moisture and alcohol occurring
 from the vacuum oven, gel dryer, vacuum concentration,
 and for the industry, it is used for vacuum drying,
 vacuum furnace, vacuum concentration and solvent
 recovery and to capture harmful substances from
 the production process, anesthesia gas and rare gas.
 Vacuum vapor trap and water vapor cryo pump are
 used to improve degree of vacuum and to maintain
 high degree vacuum in various vacuum industries.

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Cold Trap

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