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Clamp Three Finger
Clamp Three Finger
Product Details :
No. of fingersThree
Rod MaterialM.S. Chrome Plated
TypeThree Prong
MaterialAluminium Powder Coated

Three prong clamp

Description :
three prong clamp made of brass moulded with mild steel rod chrome plated, screw brass chrome plated. Jaws covered with rubber type
  • standard rod length 9" dia 0. 3" (7. 7mm)
(rod length are available in 7", 8", 12" also)
three prong clamp zinc

Description :
zinc three prong clamps are designed so that the smaller types will able to hold articles upto 90mm with the larger industrial clamps being capable of holding larger items. Three prong clamps with interlocking jaws allow you to hold objects from 1/8" to 3-1/2" in diameter. It can be used for both burettes and condensers. The jaws are lined with silicon sleeve to insure a secure grip. Rod attached is 10mm in diameter and 150mm long for a good reach during practical. It can be customaries by request. The clamp is actuated by Nickle plated pummels and has a Nickle plated twin screw.
the alloy clamps are constructed in precision die-castingzinc based alloy. Clamps and boss heads fitted with plastic headed screws are not suitable for the use insub-zero, radioactive or carbon dioxide environments.
three prong large clamp

Description :
three prong clamp alluminium dai casting with powder coating with mild steel chrome plated rod

Additional Information:
  • Item Code: 103

  • Delivery Time: Ready Stock

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Clamp Three Finger

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