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Car Wiring Conventional Mock Layout
Car Wiring Conventional Mock Layout
Product Details:
Phase Single Phase
Voltage 220 V AC
Frequency 50 Hz
Power Source Electric
Brand Ambros

Mock Layout Of Car Wiring Conventional Type, It is an open type instructional apparatus. This unit is capable of operation when a standard battery is connected to the given terminals, Consisting of all essential parts as self starter, alternator, ampere-meter, ignition coil, distributor, 4 spark plugs, horn, long lights with dipper light, park-lights, dipper, back stop light and switches. The whole system is beautifully fitted on 100 x 80 cm base with electric motor working on 220 volts A.C and capable to drive the alternator. Without battery.

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Car Wiring Conventional Mock Layout

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment