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1. Welded Assemblies

We provide assemblies using resistance welding where the contact is individually welded onto a pre-stamped carrier material depending on the volume. We also provide wire welded assemblies where the carrier is formed from a strip using a progressive die.

2. Brazed Assemblies

We braze Silver/Silver Alloyed Contacts on various types of carriers such as Copper/Brass using different brazing process such as resistance brazing, furnace brazing and flame brazing. We check the bonding strength by various methods on the final assemblies.

3. Riveted Assemblies

We provide riveted assemblies to our customers using various processes. For low volume or development products, we provide low cost solution of manual riveting. For larger sizes, we provide both semi and fully automatic riveting options. For very high volumes, we also provide the customer, the option of in – die riveting.

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