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CBR Test Apparatus

CBR Test Apparatus

Product Details :

PhaseSingle Phase
Capacity50 KN (5000 kgf)
Strain Rate1.25 mm per minute
Penetration Piston50 mm dia with bracket.
Diamegter Gauge0.01 mm x 25 mm travel.
Displacer Block148 mm dia with T-Handle

It is used in large road construction projects has increased considerably in recent years. This apparatus, mounted on a rolled steel joint cantilevered from the back of the truck or fitted to the underside of a mobile frame, can be used to determine the bearing capacity of soils quickly and efficiency. This method of testing in-situ, using piston penetration, is useful for determining the load carrying capacity in the field, when the in -place density and water contents are such that the degree of saturation is 80% or greater. When the material is coarse grained and cohesionless so that it is not affected b changes in the water content and when the material has been in- place.

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CBR Test Apparatus

  • Views: 28
  • Product Code: TE00000025
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹0

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