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Marshall Stability Test

Marshall Stability Test

Product Details:

Voltage220 volt ac
Capacity100 to 150 mm
Automation GradeSemi-Automatic
Powersingle phase 2 hp
Weightappx 250- 350 kg
Phase2 hp
Ring Capacity50 kn newton
Dial Gauge50 kn,0.0
Temperature25 to 27 degree
Product TypeBitumen Testing
Compaction Hammer100 and 150 mm
Model NumberMST INDEX
Dia Mold100 mm upto 150 mm
Maximum Size150 mm
Specimen Mould100 and 150 mm
Usage/ApplicationFlow Test on Bitumen


Bruce Marshall, formerly bituminous engineer with Mississippi State Highway Department,USA formulated Marshall Method for designing bituminous mixes. Marshall’s test procedurewas later modified and improved upon by U.S. Crops of Engineers through their extensiveresearch and correlation studies. ASTM vides designation D 1559-62 T has standardized the testprocedure. Generally, this stability test is applicable to hot-mix design using bitumen andaggregates with maximum size of 25 mm.In this method, the resistance to plastic deformation of cylindrical specimen of bituminousmixture is measured when the same is loaded at the periphery at 5 cm per minute. This procedureis used in designing and evaluating bituminous paving mixes. The test procedure is extensivelyused in routine test programmes for the paving jobs. There are two major features of theMarshall method of designing mixes namely, (1) density-voids analysis (2) stability-flow tests.The Marshall stability of the mix is defined as a maximum load carried by a compacted specimenat standard test temperature at 60 0 C. The flow value is the deformation the Marshall Testspecimen undergoes during the loading up to the maximum load, in 0.25 mm units. In this test anattempt is made to obtain optimum binder content for the type of aggregate mix and trafficintensity.

Additional Information:

  • Delivery Time: 2- 3 weeks or depend upon distance
  • Packaging Details: Standard in wooden box

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Marshall Stability Test

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