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Vital Sense-XHR Sensor

Vital Sense-XHR Sensor

Product Details :

We offer Vital Sense a telemetric physiological monitoring system for continuous monitoring of core and dermal temperature. It also monitors heart rate and respiration rate. Vital Sense eliminates the need for a the patient to undergo periodic temperature checks and keep a temperature log.


  • VitalSense is designed for effective monitoring of temperature, in active or sedentary subjects.
  • Performs consistently in both in both indoor or outdoor environments.
  • Data are easily downloaded to a PC.
  • The data/output is provided either as a tab separated - ASCII file or as a Microsoft® Excel.
  • VitalSense-XHR sensor is an innovative, compact, chest-worn device & wirelessly transmits heart rate and respiration rate.
  • The XHR incorporates an ECG-signal processor.

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Vital Sense-XHR Sensor

  • Views: 176
  • Product Code: GVB0000016
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹0

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