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Binocular Co Axial Metallurgical Microscope
Product Details:
Lyzer Binocular Co Axial Metallurgical Microscope (LT-22B): New improved model having Co axial coarse and fine focusing system travel on ball guides for smooth and long life movement is fitted with Binocular head assembled from hard coated prism, Bright field horizontal 6 V/20 W illuminator is equipped with iris diaphragm and slot for dropping filter, Quadruple revolving ball bearing assembled nose piece, special graduated Low Drive co-axial mechanical stage, having built in base variable light control transformer, supplied with two coloured filters, Dust cover and following optics in box.
Objectives: M10x and M 45x (SL)
Eye pieces: WF 10x and H15x (Paired)
Binocular Co Axial Metallurgical Microscope
Laboratory Equipment