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Benkelman Beam
Benkelman Beam
Product Details:
The Benkelman Beam is a simple and accurate device for measuring the deflection of flexible pavements under the action of moving loads.
The apparatus consisting of a 365cms long aluminium beam in two halves. The fulcrum is arranged to give the lever arm  a 2 :1 ratio. Means for leveling the apparatus are provided. An anvil is fixed to the beam. A probe is fitted in the opposite direction of the anvil. A buzzer is provided for removing the friction in the bearings.
A spring loaded transit clamp is provided for clamping the beam for moving the assembled beam to different test points on the same pavement. This clamp saves the dial gauge from being damaged Coarse and fine adjustment have been provided to facilitate the leveling of the beam.
 with analog dial gauge
 with Digital dial gauge

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Benkelman Beam

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment