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Beam Splitter Coatings
Beam Splitter Coatings
Product Details:

Plate beam splitters are polished flat and coated glass substrates which are in general used at 45 degree in an optical system.Plate beam splitters are polished flat and coated glass substrates which are in general used at 45 degree in an optical system. Highly polished surface is coated with the beam splitter coating, while the other commercially polished side is coated with the broadband anti-reflection coating to minimize the spurious reflection from the other surface.
Substrate Material
Coating technology
Electric beam deposition
Coating type
Multi layer dielectric
Wavelength range
400-750 nm
Coating performance
T/R as per the requirement
Angle of incidence
45 degree
Antireflection coating
Broadband (R<1%)
Clear aperture
> 85 % of the specified aperture
Adhesion and durability
As per MIL-C-675C

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Beam Splitter Coatings

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment