This sexless life-size torso is composed of 12 parts. Accurate in all of
its detailing, this model is a useful tool to show the human anatomy in any classroom.
Structures are numbered and identified on the accompanying k-card. The head is removable
and divided into two parts, exposing the inner structure of the brain. The neck is dissected
through the ventral surface to show muscular, glandular, vascular and neural structures.
Removable components include the following:
• Head, divided into 2 parts, showing a section of the brain and the upper respiratory tract.
• Half of the brain, divided along the longitudinal fissure to expose internal structures and vessels.
• Right and left lungs, showing the bronchial tree and vasculature.
• Heart • Liver with gallbladder • Stomach
• Pancreas, duodenum and spleen with vessels and ducts.
• Small and large intestine with removable window in caecal region.