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Product Details :

Innovative Blood Cell Counter is a heavy duty, Five and Eight cell counters. It records up to 999 for each cell. It also has a totalizer that show the sum of all five & eight counters respectively. It is Supplied with a protective case.

Automated Blood Cell Counters are a relatively new development. In the past, blood cells were counted visually/manually under a microscope. This process was not very accurate, and the immature cell count and maturation estimates were biased.

Doctors use blood cell counters to detect many different health issues.

New products, developed to automatically count red blood cells, reduced the inaccuracies.

A complete blood count, also known as CBC, reveals the concentration of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, among other blood components. Automated blood counters can obtain a complete blood count in less than a minute.

Blood cell counters are especially useful in determining the early effects of radiation treatments.

Blood cell counters are used to provide quick, accurate readings of the levels of lymphocytes.

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