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Antibiotic Zone Reader
Product Details:
- This is very compact and designed for measuring the diameter of finished zone in petridish, for determining the strength of antibiotic materials.
- Ext. GI Powder Coated in REGULAR MODEL.
- Unit made of SS 316 or SS 304 in GMP MODEL.
- With Accuracy of 0.1 MM.
- This Antibiotic Zone Reader measures the diameter of the inhibited zone within the range of 0 to 80 mm with accuracy of 0.1 mm.
- The light from inside source of the base passes up through the transparent and semi transparent of the Agar then to a reflacting mirror situated in an arm above the unit.
- The mirror reflects the light to a glass prism mounted at the magnified image of the zone of inhabitions is clearly visible on the prism.
CIC - 89
Precision Model