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Aerobic Digester
Aerobic Digester
Product Details:

Model Name/Number
Reactor Vessel Capacity
10 Ltrs
Feed Pump
Peristaltic,24 VDC,0-30 RPM
Air Flow Measurement
By Rotameter
Air Diffusers
Spider-arm type
DO Meter
Range 0-100% Saturation,Resolution 2%
Reactor Heater
Glass,electrical immersion heater,200 W
Feed Tank
Material SS/PVC,Capacity 30 Ltrs
Product Tank
Material SS/PVC,Capacity 30 Ltrs

The present set-up consists of a reactor vessel. Liquid andair are fed to the reactor by means of a Peristaltic FeedPump and a small capacity compressor, respectively. Flowrate of air can be regulated and controlled with the helpof rotameter. Liquid level can be maintained in thereactor using overflow arrangement connected to thewater annular chamber of the vessel. Water is drawnfrom feed tank to overhead tank with feed pump coupledto DC Motor. A suitable spider-arm dispenser is providedin the bottom of the reactor vessel to distribute the airthoroughly for sufficient bubbling and stirring forreaction. The cylindrical wall of reactor is made fromporous material to retain the suspended particles. It canbe easily removed for cleaning purpose. Clear waterpasses through outer annular exit chamber. A heater isprovided in the reactor vessel to heat the liquid and itstemperature is maintained with provided PID Controller.The reactor lid contains a gas exit pot for sampling thegas for analysis. A Dissolved Oxygen Meter and pH probeaccompanies the apparatus, which allows to conduct theexperiment with ease.

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Aerobic Digester

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment