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AD-4404 Advanced Check Weighing Indicator

AD-4404 Advanced Check Weighing Indicator

PowerAC 85 V to 250 V (50/60 Hz)
Operating Temperature-5 to +40 deg C
Net WeightApprox 1.8 kg/4 lb
Input Signal Range0 mV to 32 mV (0mV/V to 3.2 mV/V)
Load Cell ExcitationDC 10V+/-5% 230 mA,remote sensing
Input Sensitivity0.3 micro V/d
Zero Adjustment Range0 mV to 32 mV (0mV/V to 2 mV/V)
Zero Temperature Cofficient+/-(0.2 micro V+8 ppm of dead load)/deg C
Span Temperature Cofficient+'/- 8 ppm/deg C of reading (typically)
Non Linearity0.01% of Full Scale
Input NoiseLess than 0.6 micro Vp-p
Inut Impedance10 Mohm or more
AD Conversion MethodDelta Sigma
AD Resolution1,000,000 Counts
Maximum Display Resolution16,000 Counts (This limitations can be bypassed)
AD Conversion Rate100 times/sec.
Main DisplayBlue Fluorescent,7 segment,7 digit character height18 mm
Sub DisplayBlue Fluorescent,7 segment (54 digits)/5x7dots (54 digits)
Status Displays8 displays/10 symbols (5x7 dots)
ConsumptionApprox. 30VA
Operating HumidityLess Than 85% RH (non condensing)
Dimensions192 (W) x 135 (D) x 96 (H) mm
Panel Cutout Dimensions186 (W) x 92 (H) mm

  • Easy to get judgment by Hi/OK/Lo or HiHi/Hi/Lo/LoLo comparator lights with buzzer.
  • Foreign material detection input is newly added.
  • Bar graph shows where the weight of an object falls within the OK range.
  • Built-in timer controls weighing process by signal from an external photoelectric switch or by programmable weight recognition function that is beneficial for transparent objects.
  • Weight, accepted piece, accumulated piece count, name of the object weighted, and standard deviation can be displayed at the touch of button.
  • Up to 100 sets of target (OK weight), Hi, Lo and tare can be stored by individual code number.
  • 5 digits of target and 4 digits of upper and lower limit can be set by the front key operation and number of digit and its location can be customized.
  • Sealed keys keep out dust in industrial environments.
  • Standard current loop output and standard RS-485.
  • Full digital calibration makes zero and span calibration a breeze.
  • Complete RFI/EMI protection.
  • Many features simplify operation.
  • Display (default) - Stores and recalls up to 100 sets of pre-sets items by individual code number.
  • Total number of pieces checked
  • Total number of pieces accepted
  • Target weight
  • Bar graph indicates deviation from target weight
  • Heavy-duty construction
  • Easy installation
  • Simple calibration
  • 11 inputs and 11 open collector output standard (Optional dry contact relay)
  • Auto zero maintenance with adjustable parameters
  • Comparator buzzer
  • Front panel key lock out prevents operator tampering
  • Fully selectable decimal joint positioning
  • Programmable gravity compensation
  • Selectable units of measuring: None, g, kg, t, lbs (USA)

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AD-4404 Advanced Check Weighing Indicator

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