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Product Details:
Its is designed for extensive routine work as well as scientific examination in research and
industries, owing to its wide possibilities of application. It serves other branches such asbiology and medicine.
StandMonocular inclinable body having coarse and fine motion with rack and pinion.
StageProvided with circular graduated upper plate having rotary and centering adjustment.
Polarzing UnitPolarizer-rotating type and graduated to 360º scale graduated in 5º.
Analyzing UnitSliding type.
Compensator1/4 wave and gypsum plates.
CondenserWith centering and vertical adjustment of 1.4 N.A. complate with blue filter and iris diaphragm.
SystemMicroscope is supplied with two systems i.e.centering of objective/centering of stage.
PackingSupplied in wooden box having lock and key.

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