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Student Compound Microscope
Student Compound Microscope
Product Details:

Body: Sturdy heavy body with hinged type horse shoe base inclinatiion inclination upto 90’  having safety stopper for slides .
Tube: Standard  length 160mm with triple revolving nosepiese  with stopclick .
Mechanics : Separate coarse and fine focus knobs .
Stage: Fixed stage size 110 * 110 mm having stage clips for holding the specimen .
Illumination: By abbe condensor of N.A 1.2 and iris diaphragm with filter holder . Detachable 50mm Plano-Concave Mirror in fork .
Objectives : Parafocaled achromatic objectives 10x, 45x S.L .
Eyepieces : Huygenian 10x, 15x .
Magnification : 675(100,150, 450, 675)
Standard Accessories : Dust Cover, Cleaning Cloth, operating manual.
Available in styrofoam case or wooden cabinet or both .
Optional Accessories : Mechanical stage, Pointer eyepiece,  oil immersion 100x, substage illuminator lamp,
Product Advantages :
Affordable price .
Quality cerification.
Parafocaled & Self Adjustable Objectives .
0ne year Warantee against any manufacturing defect .
Product Performance .

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Student Compound Microscope

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