PregaLine (hCG)
Product Details :
Available in Card and Strip Format
PregaLineTMhCG test is a rapid one step lateral flow immunoassay for the qualitative detection of hCG in urine. The method employs a combination of conjugated monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific to hCG. The test sample is applied to the sample well. As the test sample flows through the nitrocellulose membrane, the labeled antibody-conjugate binds to the hCG present in the specimen and form an antibody-antigen immune complex. This complex flows laterally through the membrane and binds to the second antibody in the test zone (T) and produces a pink/purple colored band in addition to band at ‘C’ when the hCG concentration is equivalent or greater than 25 mlU/ml. In the absence of hCG, there is only on pink/purple band in the control region (C), demonstrating the activity and integrity of reagents.
Test Procedure
- Place PregaLinehCG test device and place on the flat surface.
- Add 3 drops of urine sample using provided dropper into sample well (S) and wait for development of pink/purple bands in result window
Interpret the results within 3-10 minutes of sample addition and then discard the test device