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Ophthalmic Cryo Cautery
Ophthalmic Cryo Cautery
Product Details:

Ophthalmic Cryo Cautery used to freeze living tissue for the purpose of treating benign and malignant lesions. It is functionally designed to simplify cataract, retinal and glaucoma procedures by use of a variety of surgical probes.
Cryo Cautery is foot operated and very sleek enabling easy handling and the pedal control enables instant freezing and defrosting. The consul face includes a pressure indicator and On-Off reading for visual indication of the system.
Advanced Features:
  • Nitrous or Carbon-di-oxide gases technique is used for low-temperature achievement
  • Useful for Cataract, Retinal, Glaucoma and Intravitreal
  • Foot control provision for easy handling and instant freezing and defrosting
  • It has got an On-Off indicator to check whether entry of the gas inside the probe is proper

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Ophthalmic Cryo Cautery

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Tags: Hospital Equipment