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Intelligent Hydraulic Knee

Intelligent Hydraulic Knee

Product Details :


Stronger. Smarter. Submersible.

Stronger construction makes the new Plié 3 Microprocessor Controlled (MPC) Knee both submersible and more rugged than ever. Yet, it’s still the fastest MPC knee, responding 10 to 20 times more rapidly than other MPC knees. With the most responsive stumble and fall protection, users can instinctively move at their own pace in any direction…even if it’s taking small short steps or pivoting in confined spaces. And with a more streamlined, intuitive set up, the Plié 3 MPC Knee makes it even easier for prosthetists to help patients expand their freedom.

Target Users

• K3 amputees that need customized stumble recovery for a variety of 

   Stronger. The new Plié 3 features more rugged internal components designed to improve durability are tested to our rigorous standards.

• Interchangeable batteries for on-the-go convenience

• Improved stance flexion resistance bezel designed for durability

• Proprietary sensor and load cells with customized settings for advanced stumble recovery

Smarter. Based on the clinical success of the Plié with over six years in the market, the Plié 3 delivers consistent performance. The new intuitive software has specific instructions to guide you through the set up process. The built in Gait and Cadence Analysis can help show variable cadence capability to payors and referral sources.

Additional Information:

  • Port of Dispatch: SURAT

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Intelligent Hydraulic Knee

  • Views: 37
  • Vendor Type: Supplier
  • Product Code: DKS0000046
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹0

Seller information

  • Evolution Health Care Private Li

  • Evolution Health Care Private Limited
  • Surat, India
  • Business Type :Supplier
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