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DGP (Deamidated Gliadin Peptides) Elisa
Product Details :
Anti-gliadin antibodies are the first serological markers for Celiac disease but recent studies revealed that these antibodies recognize only a limited number of gliadin epitopes. Therefore, assays using deamidated & defined peptides have been shown to have higher diagnostic accuracy for celiac disease when compared to standard anti-gliadin assays. Moreover, antibodies to gliadin & DGP may be the only serological marker in neonatals, as anti-tTg and EMA autoantibodies are not present at this age.
- Combined qualitative & quantitative detection of IgA & IgG antibodies.
- The microtitreplates are coated with synthetic, deaminated gliadin derived peptides.
- Standard range: 0-300 U/ml.
- Highly specific.