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Primus DXA Bone Densitometer

Primus DXA Bone Densitometer

Product Details:

ApplicationDiagnostic Centre
Weight210 kg
Scan TimeAP spine 3osec(-2sec to +2sec) Femur 25sec(-2sec to +2sec),Forearm 23sec(-2sec to +2sec)
Accuracy1% CV
Measurement ParameterBMD,T score,Z score,BMC,Area,BMI,B scope,Color Mapping
Scan SiteWhole body. AP Spine,Femur,Forearm,lateral Spine,LVA,Orthopedics
Scan Area2020 x 580 mm / 2020 x 620 mm (optional)
Table Height650 mm
Power Consumption110 / 220 VAC (+/-10%)

Preventing osteoporosis and bone fractures with our bone densitometerOsteoSys, a brand specialized in bone density diagnosis equipment, produces various products which can diagnose osteoporosis easily and accurately to help humanity enjoy healthy lives.

If you have accurate diagnosis and prescription through bone density equipment of OsteoSys, you can enjoy healthy and happy life by avoiding risk of osteoporosis.

State-of-the-Art DXA whole body scanning systemPRIMUS is the best one stop solution for the measurement of bone mineral density alongside body composition and various assessments. Patients lie still on a table while a machine arm passes over their entire body, technicians can get information of BMD, lean body mass and fat mass fo the whole body and individual regions. It helps us keep the body in balance especially fat and muscle.

Product Details:

  • PRIMUS is a whole body analyzer for the BMD(Bone Mineral Density), body composition, and bone morphology by scanning the whole body or a specific area of the body with its cutting edge Dual X-ray Absorptiometry(DXA) technology.
  • Based on the optimzed Fan beam DXA technology, PRIMUS is a leading a new design trend of medical devices with its combination of sophisticated feature and a cutting-edge touch-type console panel.
  • The console pannel consisting of a touch screen and a colorful rear LED light supports the practitioner to operate the device more easily.
  • PRIMUS can measure the whole body of a patient efficiently due to the multi - channel detectors thatcovers a wide area with higher speed.
  • The measuring sites of PRIMUS are the whole body or the regional areas.It can measure the BMD od AP spine, Dual Femur, Forearm, and Lateral Spine. And regarding teh body composition analysis function, it can quantitatively analyze the fat mass,lean mass, and the weight of a patient, and also there are other various analysis functions such as VFA, Orthopedics, Hip analysis, FRAX, Color Mapping.
  • Along with its widened scan area, PRIMUS shortened the examination time with a higher scan speed resulting to a more convenient examination process.

Features :

  • Whole body DXA(Dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry)
  • Fan beam technology
  • Scan site : Whole body, AP spine, Femur(Dual femur), Forearm, Lateral spine, LVA
  • Body composition : Fat mass, Lean mass, Total weight
  • Assessment : Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Hip analysis, FRAX, Color mapping
  • Scan time : AP spine(30Sec.), Femur(25 Sec.), Whole body (around 7 Min.)
  • Gorgeous design

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Primus DXA Bone Densitometer

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